function ab_GK_rad_transfer(m) format long e tic xmin=0;xmax=1;nint=500;npts=500; % Guass Stieltjes procedure for caluation of recurrence coefficients % alpha and betta for weight function w(x)=exp(-x*x) format long e % nint=# of intervals; npts=# of pts per interval [xmin,xmax] pwmd = mdquad(nint,npts,xmin,xmax); ntot=nint*npts; % multi-domain matrix of quad pts p and wts w: % weight function w(x)=exp(-3/2x) p=pwmd(:,1); w=pwmd(:,2); wtfcn=exp(-1.5./p); b0=ones(ntot,1); % First two integrals s1=sum(w.*wtfcn); s2=sum(w.*(p.*wtfcn)); h(1)=s1; alfa(1)=s2/s1; beta(1)=s1;k=1; % Norm and alpha_1 and betta_1 myfile = fopen('ab_GK.dat', 'wt'); fprintf(myfile,'%2i %20.14f %20.14f\n',k-1,alfa(k),beta(k)); % Polynomial P_1(x) b1=p-alfa(1); % Next two integrals s1=sum(w.*(wtfcn.*(b1.^2))); s2=sum(w.*(p.*(wtfcn.*(b1.^2)))); alfa(2)=s2/s1; h(2)=s1; beta(2)=h(2)/h(1);k=2; % alpha_2, norm and betta_2 fprintf(myfile,'%2i %20.14f %20.14f\n',k-1,alfa(k),beta(k)); for k=3:m pma=p-alfa(k-1); %Recurrence for the next polynomial b2=pma.*b1-beta(k-1)*b0; s1=sum(w.*(wtfcn.*(b2.^2))); s2=sum(w.*(p.*(wtfcn.*(b2.^2)))); alfa(k)=s2/s1; h(k)=s1; beta(k)=h(k)/h(k-1); % alfa_kl, norm and betta_k fprintf(myfile,'%2i %20.14f %20.14f\n',k-1,alfa(k),beta(k)); b0=b1; b1=b2; end toc % ================================================================ function pwmd = mdquad(nint,npts,xmin,xmax) format long e ntot=nint*npts; % Quadrature for mutlidomain with nint intervals and npts per interval dx=(xmax-xmin)/ntot; for i=1:nint a=xmin+(i-1)*npts*dx; b=a+npts*dx; pw=fejer2(a,b,npts); % Fejer quadrature used for each interval if i==1 pwmd=pw; else pwmd=cat(1,pwmd,pw); end end % ================================================================ % FEJER Fejer quadrature rule. % The call pw=fejer(n) generates the n-point Fejer quadrature rule. function pw=fejer2(a,b,N) format long e n=N:-1:1; m=1:floor(N/2); th=(2*n-1)*pi./(2*N); p=cos(th'); for k=N:-1:1 s=sum(cos(2*m*th(k))./(4*(m.^2)-1)); w(k)=2*(1-2*s)/N; end r1=(b-a)/2.; r2=(a+b)/2.; ps=r1*p+r2; ws=r1*w; % Map [a,b] onto [-1,1] pw=[ps,ws'];